Featured in NYMag/The Strategist


How do I measure my waist?

You will need measuring tape.  Measure where you'd like your waistbead(s) to fall/lay, in inches.  You are NOT able to use your pant size.

Can I bathe in waistbeads?

You can do everything you'd normally do while wearing waistbeads: bathe, sleep, swim, exercise, and etc.

How do I tie them on?

Instructions on "How To Tie" your waistbeads can be found on the Main Menu via the Home Page.  Tying instructions are also mailed with all waistbead orders.

How do I clean my waistbeads?

When you bathe, lather the waistbeads with soap and rinse with water, as you would your body parts to clean your waistbeads.

How do I take them off?

I create the traditional style waistbeads that tie on; in order to remove them, carefully cut them off.

Who can wear waistbeads?

Waistbeads can be worn by women, men, and children.  I suggest monitoring those worn by children, especially to ensure as they grow their waistbeads aren't too tight or too loose.

Do I have to be slim to wear waistbeads?

Waistbeads are for all body types.

Can I pick up my order?

All orders are shipped only, no exceptions.

Can you tie my waistbeads since I'm local (Memphis, TN)?

I'm only able to tie waistbeads when The Bead Culture is vending during events.

How long do orders take to ship?

The Shipping Policy can be found through the Main Menu, under Policies, from the Home Page.


If you have any additional questions you don't see answered here, don't hesitate to ask via the "Contact The Bead Culture" tab on the Home Page.